Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Obama is No Lame Duck

The 2014 midterm elections for the House of Representatives and the Senate are over... well, mostly. There remain several runoff elections in certain states which require absolute majorities for choosing their Congressional respresentatives. What is presently clear is that the Republican Party expanded its majority in the House and has flipped the Senate solidly into Republican control.

There were also historic "firsts." Tea-Party-endorsed Republican Tim Scott of South Carolina became the first black senator from any southern state since the period of Reconstruction, some 150 years ago. Tea Party hopeful Mia Love was elected the the first black woman Republican representative in the House. These particular outcomes revealed the lie in the left's libelous and groundless claim that racism personifies the Tea Party. Democrats regularly play the race card to vilify their opponents, especially critics of Barack Obama, while shamelessly whitewashing their own racist history, while the Tea Party has always focused on policy.

Tim Scott (Sen., S. Carolina) and Mia Love (Rep., Utah):
Two historic firsts in the Senate and House.
The latest faces of the
 so-called "racist" Tea Party.
Some have inerpreted the election's apparent swing to the right as a popular repudiation of Barack Obama's policies. Some have applied the "lame duck" label to Obama's potential to exert influence during his second term. But that label works only when a second-term president is constrained by Congressional resistance. Obama, who wields executive privilege as an alternative to legislation, feels no such constraint. Also, he does not accept that Americans knowingly reject his goal to transform America into a collectivist welfare state. His immediate post-election comments declared that the Democratic party failed him by not effectively explaining and communicating his vision. Rather than make him a lame duck, the midterm election has made Barack Obama, and his political machine, a wounded tiger.

Barack Obama after the 2014 Midterms:
The voters just didn't understand.
No lame duck, but a wounded tiger.
Barack Obama and the far-left interests he serves have demonstrated that their actions are not focused on governance. They want no part of the system of checks and balances that protects a free republic from government over-reach. They see themselves as being above that, with every unpunished violation of the Constitution serving as positive reinforcement, power begetting more power. They are intent on changing the rules of engagement with political opposition, to transform how America allocates power and permanently estrange her from her founding principles. The seek to radically redefine, and effectively nullify, the concepts of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" enshrined in America's Declaration of Independence.

The phrase, "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,"
 was not penned as a philosophical foundation for wealth redistribution. These are not collective rights; they're individual rights. The Founders declared that government's role is to protect these rights, God-given to every single human being, including black Americans eventually freed from the abomination of slavery. Martin Luther King, Jr., called the historic inclusion of these three inalienable rights a delayed "promissory note" cashed in by Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamtion, freeing every African-American slave eighty-seven years after the Declaration's signing,

Barack Obama's presidency has, perhaps more than any other, made the most overt push for a collectivist interpretation of the basic rights. In this, Obama has a philosophical kinship with Antebellum southern, pro-slavery Marxist George Fitzhugh. Fitzhugh argued that slavery was the highest form of social justice and humaneness, especially for the black man, because it "relieved him from the burden" of decisions and responsibilities. No racist, Fitzhugh advocated slavery for poor whites as well.

In his 1854 book,  Sociology for the South, or, the Failure of Free Society, Fitzhugh candidly declared, "Slavery is a form, and the very best form, of socialism." He explained, "Socialism proposes to do away with free competition; to afford protection and support at all times to the laboring class; to bring about, at least, a qualified community of property, and to associate labor.  All these purposes, slavery fully and perfectly attains..."
According to statist left's interpretation, in the process of realization by Obama, the right to life no longer guarantees the right of an individual to individually protect his person or health as he sees fit; the state acts "in loco parentis" to treat virtually every individual citizen as a decision-making invalid and enforce a collectively standard "quality of life." The right to liberty is either ignored by Obama or redefined to mean the an immunity from liberty's consequences. The right of pursuing happiness has become the right to an equivalent economic outcome, a standard of wealth redistribution from rich to poor that is disconnected from merit or achievement.

At this point, Obama's remaining transformative goal, the jewel in his crown of tyrranic stewardship following his gutting of the free market in health care insurance, is "immigration reform." This will serve Obama as a euphemistic excuse to abuse executive privilege in order to usurp legislative authority. Obama intendes to ram through a program of amnesty, imminent citizenship, and extensive entitlements for illegal immigrants. His aides have indicated this as his goal and there are numerous indicators that Obama will defy opposition from a clear majority of American citizens and their legislative representatives on this issue. His executive order granting temporary residence status for border jumping children, and his refusal to sescure the southwestern border, practically advertised unhindered illegal entry. According to reports last week, Obama authorized the printing of up to 34 million green cards, allowing border-jumping criminals to live and work permanently in the U.S. If the political opposition to Obama fails to stop it, Obama's transformation irreversible as the two-party electoral balance becomes skewed by an abrupt 2% shift leftward.

When the new Senate and House are seated this January, the legislators will likely face what Obama hopes will be an irreversible fait accomplis. By then, Obama's executive order will likely have been issued and countermanding its effects will a major change in the status quo of the Congress. Both the House and the Senate will have to act with determination and authority which have been lacking in the mainstream Republicans for the past six years. RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) will have to start acting a lot more like Tea Party legislators in this respect, taking back their authority and legitimacy by checking Obama's lawlessness and shutting down his unconstitutional amnesty push.

If the conservative opposition fails to accomplish this, and tens of millions of illegal border-jumpers are fast-tracked to social benefits and citizenship, two outcomes will cripple the GOP. First, there is the aforementioned 2% shift to the progressive left among the population. Second, the GOP will have, perhaps irreversibly, lost faith among its center-right base; there will either be an upheaval in the principly compromised leadership that we know today or the GOP will go the way of its own predecessor, the Whig Party, and vanish as a new party forms to house America's conservative base.